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We believe Azerbaijan’s socio-economic development is closely linked with entrepreneurship and its future development!
Italy and Azerbaijan held a round table discussion Support for entrepreneurs' "Green Projects" by KOBİA "KOB FEST" Exhibition and Sales Fair to Be Held in Masalli A new project has been launched within the framework of public-private sector collaboration to support startups 54 more young people have joined the "SMB Volunteers" program The success story of the startup "Recepta" A meeting was held with entrepreneurs in the industrial and public catering sectors regarding the protection of atmosphere Meetings held with entrepreneurs in Shamakhi, Yardimli, and Gazakh A new mobile application "Avto-SOS" has been developed for drivers Support for the implementation of sale of products and services for about 60 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs)
SMBDA has supported farmers engaging in the sale of cabbage in Gusar 29.10.19
SMBDA has supported farmers engaging in the sale of cabbage in Gusar

Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SMBDA) has supported the sales of the farmers in Duztahir and Gijan villages of Gusar.

The villagers requested support from Gusar "SMB Friend" of the Agency and explained that were not able to sell the cabbage they had planted.

Five tons of cabbage grown in 7 farms in Duztahir and Gijan villages were purchased by Agro Procurement and Supply OJSC with the support and coordination of SMBDA. Other farmers in Duztahir and Gijan villages will also receive support with the sale of cabbage.

One of the main activities of SMBDA is to promote access of micro, small and medium businesses to local and foreign markets. The Agency continues to implement appropriate support measures tp this end.

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